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Carvel In July

by Joe Kimmel, Praveen Rewar, and Carvel Engineers — Aug 4, 2022

Christmas Carvel in July

Ah, July in America1! Long days, warm nights, fireworks, barbecues, vacations, and many iconic releases from our Carvel summer collection. Let us peruse the highlights, as we make s’mores in our bonfires.


Kapp celebrated its 50th release with luminous features such as:

  • default change groups and change rules for kapp-controller resources
  • Output is now available in delicious yaml, just like mom used to make!
    • Use –diff-changes-yaml while deploying an app to see the complete yaml after rebase rules etc,. are applied.
  • unblockChanges can be used with conditions in waitRules to unblock any waiting changes
    • These conditions are treated as non success/failure conditions. Helpful when you want to unblock waiting changes but would still want kapp to wait for the resource to reconcile based on other success/failure conditions.


  • Improved support for cross-platform transfers of bundles


Have you ever seen an innocently wrong piece of configuration blow up a deployment? Wish that simple mistake could have been caught sooner — before a bunch of resources were snarled!?? No longer must you cower in fear that your data might be invalid! Go forth boldly, young padawan, ensuring that your data is valid with our new feature2, available starting in ytt 0.42.0.

* [Blog: Preview of ytt Validations](https://carvel.dev/blog/ytt-validations-preview/) on how to get setup with this feature.
* see all available rules in the [docs](https://carvel.dev/ytt/docs/v0.42.0/lang-ref-ytt-schema/#schemavalidation).


The previously introduced “Secret Templates” are no longer secret now that they’re fully documented.

Farewell til Next Month!

Wishing you smooth deployments and may the pods smile upon you!

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  1. Half the Carvel team is actually in India, but we’ll let them tell us about August or September in India in the coming months. ↩︎

  2. experimental feature ↩︎